Mission and Objectives
Mission and Objectives of the Silver Lake Association of Chesham and Nelson
Adopted July 1, 2023
The Silver Lake Association of Chesham and Nelson (SLA) serves the visiting public, lakefront property owners, and native wildlife by protecting and enhancing the qualities of the Silver Lake experience for current and future generations.
The Objectives of the SLA are to optimize and protect:
Water quality
The health of native plant and animal species and protection from invasive species
On-water recreational enjoyment
Cordial and cooperative relations between and among property owners and the visiting public
Public access to the lake from Breed Road that is appropriate for boaters, swimmers, pedestrians, and adjacent landowners, and that does not degrade shoreland infrastructure or negatively impact the lake
The important lakefront property tax base for Nelson and Harrisville
The SLA accomplishes these objectives by:
Sponsoring and managing the Lake Host program to protect the lake from boat-borne invasive species and to provide helpful information to boaters about weekend speed laws, loon nesting (seasonal), and boater courtesy suggestions.
Developing relationships and working cooperatively with local governments in Harrisville and Nelson to further the mission of the SLA, including but not limited to:
Working with the Town of Harrisville to ensure that rainwater catch basins and culverts that prevent runoff from entering the Lake are operational and effective.
Working with the Town of Harrisville as the town regulates and administers the boat launch area.
Strengthening the Silver Lake community by being the communications clearing house for news about family changes such as births, deaths and marriages; new cottage ownership; lost & found; special events; happenings at the SLA, etc.Â
Providing a one-stop Silver Lake information source via the SLA website
Ensuring through appropriate signage that visitors to the lake are aware of state and local ordinances
Educating lake users about invasive species
Conducting regular water quality tests
Conducting regular near-shore examinations for invasive plants
Monitoring nesting loons on the lake
Building a financial reserve so that prompt remedial action can be taken in case invasive plant remediation is required
Educating lakefront property owners about State DES and local zoning legal requirements governing changes to land or structures, or new construction, so that owners are aware of these requirements, avoid committing violations, and protect the lake and good neighbor relationships
Educating lakefront property owners/tenants about relevant boating and lake use laws and regulations as well as courtesy suggestions
Working cooperatively with other area lake associations, land trusts and other organizations on issues where there is an alignment of interests
Educating the membership about how to easily and effectively act on observed violations of laws and regulations
Delivering to the membership excellent value that will encourage a level of financial support enabling the SLA to deliver on its mission