2024 Water Quality

2024 Water Quality Summary

Below is the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) summary showing historical trends and covering the average water quality data from our three sampling events during summer 2024. We take samples in June, July, and August. Lake water quality is very good and has even improved in key areas of pH and conductivity. The work we are doing with regard to runoff control and lakeside management continues to be revealed in these numbers. 

Remember, our activities have an impact on the lake's water quality. We should be doing our best to reduce or eliminate use of fertilizers, to remove leaves and other debris away from the water, maintain a 3-5 ft vegetative barrier at the lakeside, and have relatively narrow pathways to docks and the water's edge. Also, please keep an eye on catch basins and outflow areas to keep runoff reaching the lake to a minimum.

In 2024, we sampled for perchlorate in the lake water before and after the Fourth of July celebrations. The concentrations found were barely above the non-detectable limit based on the analysis equipment. This is good news!

2024 Silver Lake VLAP Summary.pdf
How to read the VLAP report.pdf
August Water Quality Silver Lake 2024.pdf