Weed Watching
Volunteer Weed Watcher Program
Goal: Early detection of invasive species to prevent a widespread infestation
The Lake Host program is our first line of defense against invasive species- we are hoping to prevent then ever getting into our lake in the first place.
However, if we do ever end up with invasive species in our lake, we hope to catch the infestation early through our second line of defense: our dedicated Weed Watcher volunteers.
Weed Watchers survey the lake, with the goal of finding and reporting new plant growth so it can be addressed quickly before we have an unmanageable spread.
Weed Watching is a great way to spend time out on the lake, while providing important contributions to the Silver Lake community. Volunteers survey designated areas on Silver Lake’s perimeter using their own canoes, kayaks or other slow moving boats. Weed Watching requires a small time commitment during the summer months.
Contact Dennis Fallon at 603-465-3591 or dennisfallon163@gmail.com to volunteer